Technical specification for design of thermal power plant air and flue gas ducts/ raw coal and pulverized coal piping 火电发电厂烟风煤粉管道设计技术规程
Technical regulation for design of plant process piping flow diagram for refineries 炼油装置工艺管线流程设计技术规定炼油生产过程自动化
Especially for the tough, ductile materials used in nuclear plant piping, ordinary plastic collapse analyses will possibly suffice. 尤其是对于核电管道的韧性材料,一般的塑料失稳分析可能足够了。
Implementation in Hydraulic Calculation of Power Plant Piping System Based on Software PDMS 利用PDMS软件实现电厂管路系统的流体计算
Safety Assessment for Defects in Dissimilar Weld Joints of Nuclear Power Plant Piping and Comparison of Applicable Codes 核电管道异种钢焊缝缺陷安全性评定及规范比较
This paper gives a summary introduction to the inspection processes and result records in the piping test in the Hainan gas processing plant, and also makes some suggestions on the piping test. 本文对海南气体处理厂主体工程中管线试压的检验方法和结果的记录作了总结性介绍;并对管线压力试验提出几点建议。
Project and system situation in Zouxian Power Plant were introduced, and the piping design parameters and the piping material of main steam system and main feed water system were determined. 对邹县发电厂四期工程和系统状况进行了介绍,确定了主蒸汽系统和主给水系统管道的设计参数,选择了管道材料。
Discussing Power Plant Thermowell and Piping Conjunction Mode 电厂热电偶套管与管道连接方式探讨
Safety assessment was carried out to defects in dissimilar weld joints of nuclear power plant piping in the emergency core cooling system ( ECCS) and shutdown cooling system ( SDCS) in Qinshan No. 分析了再热器管频繁泄漏的原因,认为定位块与再热器管的异种钢焊接及定位块结构的不合理是导致泄漏的主要原因,同时提出了改造方案。
I plant the preparation of the catalogue, particularly in the design requirements of high-pressure, vibration, seal-of carbon steel, stainless steel, copper piping system used. 我厂编制的产品目录,尤为在设计上要求压力高,震动大,密封强的各种碳钢、不锈钢、铜质管路系统所采用。
Low-cycle Fatigue Life Estimation of Power Plant Boiler Drum and Structure Analysis of Pressure Piping 电厂锅炉汽包低周疲劳寿命评估技术及压力管道结构分析研究
Argument on the Relation between Exergy Loss and Energy-saving Potentiality with Generating Boiler On-line Analysis of the Power Plant Piping Exergy Loss 火电厂锅炉火用损失大不等于节能潜力大发电厂管道火用损失的在线分析
Combining actual situation of a chemical plant piping system, several resolutions are considered to analyze and solve vibration problem of super-high pressure piping for reciprocating compressor by using relevant theories and finite element analytical method. 提出了往复式压缩机超高压管道的振动问题,井结合某化工厂管系的实际情况,利用一维非定常气流理论和匀熵修正理论以及有限元分析法分析了振动的原因并提出了解决方法。
Because of fuel oil system of steam power plant high fuel pressure and violent fluctuation, the joint washers in piping system are often forced out, which can paralysis corresponding power unit directly. 由于船舶蒸汽动力装置燃油系统工作压力较高,且变化剧烈,容易发生管路密封垫片处崩出等事故,这将直接导致该动力单元瘫痪。
On-line Analysis of the Power Plant Piping Exergy Loss 发电厂管道火用损失的在线分析
Based on some examples of polypropylene plant design, this article summarizes the characteristics and process of equipment layout in chemical plant, optimizes equipment layout based on piping analysis, and improves the efficiency and accuracy of equipment layout by utilizing PDS ( Plant Design System) software. 根据化工装置设备的特点合理布置和配管,借助PDS软件的应用提高设备布置的效率和准确性,并结合聚丙烯装置的设计实例加以说明。
During extending the air-cooling assembly unit of 2 × 200 MW in Taiyuan Sec-ond Electric Power Plant, a good result was acquired in applying the new type of HP-2A rust-removal agent to rust removal and anticorrosion of the inwall in the large-size piping with air-cooling circulation water. 太原第二热电厂扩建2×200MW空冷供热机组基建施工期间,使用HP-2A新型除锈剂,在电厂空冷循环水大型管内壁除锈、防腐,得到良好效果。
The author introduces that we, by using properly the limited support and tightening method for piping design in chemical plant, can not only reduce the piping material consumption and saving the investment but also enhance the safety of the plant. 介绍在化工装置的管道设计中合理地利用限位支架和冷紧法,既可降低配管耗材、节省投资,又能提高装置的安全性。
Considering design principles, it expounds the arrangement of air separation plant as well as the piping of Molecular sieve ( MS) purification system and its alterations of partial process line. 在考虑了设计原则后,对空分设备布置及分子筛纯化系统配管和局部工艺管线修改等方面的问题作了简要阐述。
Consequently, the technique is applied to the outage protection for Unit 1 of Maoming Cogeneration Power Plant adopting heat supply piping main scheme. 茂名热电厂1号机组为供热母管制机组,情况较为复杂,实施纯十八胺停运保护具有特殊性,为此,制定了周密的停运保护方案。
Introduces piping material corrosion characteristics and mechanism of PTA plant, how to select the piping materials and gives the examples of material selection. 介绍精对苯二甲酸装置中常见的管道腐蚀特点和机理,选用材料和选材实例。
At last, the mathematic models of cargo pump, re-liquefied plant and cargo handling piping network are simulated on PC. 最后,文章对货泵、再液化装置和货物管网的货物装卸的操作过程进行了计算机计算仿真。
Compressibility analysis of hydraulic power plant auxiliary piping network system 计及可压缩性的水电站辅机管网时变系统计算研究
Discussion on thermal efficiency of power plant piping and its industry standard 火电厂管道热效率及行业标准的探讨
Isometric drawing is one of the important documents in plant piping design. 工厂管道设计的一个重要成果是绘制出ISO(isometric)图纸。
Energy saving in PTA plant Selection of Piping Materials of PTA Plant PTA装置节能精对苯二甲酸装置管道材料的选用
In the nuclear plant, thermal piping and auxiliary systems are many and complex, but the surface temperature is lower than the thermal power station. 核电站汽机房的布置形式和发热量与火力发电站有很大的差别,其热力管道和配套系统多而复杂,但表面温度偏低。
This paper reviewed the Water conditions in primary coolant of PWR nuclear power plant, determined that the material corrosion of pressure vessel, piping, steam generator in high temperature and high pressure water was an important factor of affect plant safety. 综述了核电站一回路的水工况,确定了压水堆压力容器、管道、蒸汽发生器等结构材料在高温高压水环境中的腐蚀是影响核电站安全的重要因素。